Selasa, 26 Juli 2016


Name          : Ismi Herdyanti
NPM : 29213986
Class : 3EB10
Business English 2 #
“Make direct & indirect speech and Conditional Sentences”

I.      Direct & Indirect Speech
Direct or quoted speech is a sentence (or several sentences) that reports speech or thought in its original form phrased by the original speaker. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks.
{Direct atau quoted speech adalah kalimat (atau beberapa kalimat) yang melaporkan pembicaraan atau pemikiran dalam bentuk aslinya yang diutarakan oleh pembicara asli. Hal ini biasanya ditutup dalam tanda kutip.}

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a means of expressing the content of statements, questions or other utterances, without quoting them explicitly as is done in direct speech.
{Indirect Speech, yang juga dikenal sebagai reported speech, adalah kalimat ungkapan dari suatu pernyataan, pertanyaan atau ucapan-ucapan lainnya, tanpa mengutip secara eksplisit seperti yang dilakukan dalam direct speech.}

*Note:                  D = Direct Speech
                                    I = Indirect Speech

·         STATEMENT {Pernyataan}
1.      D: Denisha said, “I will be a bride next month”
I : Denisha said that she would be a bride the following month.
2.      D: She said, “You must go to my house tonight”
I : She said that I would have to go to her house that night.
3.      D: Jennie Kim said, “I’m a Korea University Student”
I : Jennie Kim said that she was a Korea University Student.
4.      D: Bobby said, “I will bring you a souvenir from Korea”
I : Bobby said that he would bring me a souvenir from Korea.
5.      D: They said, “We are very happy today”
I : They said that they were very happy that day.

·         COMMAND {Perintah}
1.      D: Sally told her boyfriend, “Go out from my house now!”
I : Sally told her boyfriend to go out from her house then.
2.      D: My girlfriend told me, “Don’t call me anymore!”
I : My girlfriend told me not to call her anymore..
3.      D: My teacher told him, “Don’t fight anymore!”
I : My teacher told him not to fight anymore.
4.      D: My mother told me, “Bring your umbrella!”
I : My mother told me to bring my umbrella.
5.      D: My friend told me, “Bring me a souvenir from Singapore!”
I : My friend told me to bring a souvenir from singapore.

·         QUESTION{Pertanyaan}
1.      D: Stella asked her boyfriend, “Do you really love me?”
I : Stella asked her boyfriend if he really loved her.
2.      D: My boyfriend asked me, “Will you marry me?”
I : My boyfriend asked me if I married him.
3.      D: She asked me, “Where does Jane work?”
I : She asked me where Jane worked.
4.      D: Gary asked me, “how are you?”
I : Gary asked me how I was.
5.      D: They asked us, “Do you want to join us?”
I : They asked us if we want to joined them.

II.   Conditional Sentences
Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
{Conditional Sentences juga dikenal sebagai Conditional Clauses atau If Clauses. Conditional Sentences digunakan untuk mengekspresikan bahwa tindakan dalam anak kalimat utama (tanpa jika) hanya dapat terjadi jika kondisi tertentu (dalam anak kalimat dengan jika) terpenuhi. Ada tiga jenis Kalimat Bersyarat.}
This conditional deals with “unreal, but likely” situations in the present or future. We call it “unreal” because situation we are describing hasn’t happened yet, and “likely” because we can easily imagine it happening. We use the first conditional to describe these situations.
{Conditional ini berhubungan dengan "tidak nyata, tapi kemungkinan" situasi di masa sekarang atau masa depan. Kami menyebutnya "tidak nyata" karena situasi yang kita gambarkan belum terjadi, dan "mungkin" karena kita dapat dengan mudah membayangkan hal itu terjadi. Kami menggunakan kondisional pertama untuk menggambarkan situasi ini.}

This conditional deals with situations in the present and future that are both unreal and unlikely. The situation we are describing hasn’t happened yet, and we really can’t imagine it happening very easily, except in a freak accident or a moment of great stupidity.
{Conditional ini berhubungan dengan situasi di masa sekarang dan masa depan yang keduanya tidak nyata dan tidak mungkin. Situasi yang kita gambarkan belum terjadi, dan kita benar-benar tidak bisa membayangkan hal itu terjadi sangat mudah, kecuali dalam sebuah kecelakaan atau momen kebodohan besar.}

This conditional deals with situations in the past that are unreal —didn’t happen. We can still imagine what the consequences would have been.
{Conditional ini berhubungan dengan situasi di masa lalu yang tidak nyata tidak terjadi. Kita masih bisa membayangkan apa akibatnya yang akan terjadi.}

·         First Conditional
1.      If you help me, I will buy you some food.
2.      If I meet him, I will attack him.
·         Second Conditional
1.      If I were you, I would marry him.
2.      If I had enough money, I would held a party.
·         Third Conditional
1.      If I had had enough time, I would slept along day.
2.      If I was a smart student, I would have gone to Hardvard University.

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